Stop Thinking The Worst




Your subconscious mind can’t distinguish between reality and thoughts, so when you think negative thoughts your powerful subconscious mind turns these thoughts into beliefs, memories, fears and phobias which in turn affects your behaviour and mental wellbeing. In this audio we use a powerful NLP technique to stop your worrying in its tracks.

We will help you to minimise catastrophic thinking, stop thinking the worst and turn your negative inner critical voice into a more positive dialogue – reducing the stress and anxiety in your life.


The content in this audio is provided for information only and is not intended to replace a consultation with your GP, other health care professionals or be considered as medical advice. If you have any doubts or concerns about your health, please seek advice from a medical doctor. Do not listen to this audio when you are driving, operating machinery or having a bath – we use deep relaxation techniques which require your full attention and will get you into a near sleep type state. By purchasing this hypnotherapy audio from our website, you acknowledge and agree that it is for personal use only. You do not have the right to distribute, resell, or use this audio for commercial purposes. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or commercial use of this audio is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action to protect our copyright.


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