
"My 11-year-old daughter used to be terrified of bad weather, leading to constant anxiety and panic attacks. After using the House of Wellbeing guided meditation app for a few weeks, she learned to control her anxiety. Recently, she experienced a storm on a school trip without any fear. This app has been truly amazing and life-changing for her."

Gemma Butler

"I like the sense of pragmatism from each audio. Relatable examples are always used to illustrate how the lessons presented translate into the real world. I find this to be the most important aspect behind House of Wellbeing's audios as it makes it much easier to actually stick to the habit or mindset that you're trying to develop. I've tried other apps such as Calm and Headspace, but I didn't find enough guidance or sense of practicality embedded in their stuff."

Eduard Chilcos

Bottle PR

"At the beginning of lockdown I was struggling with sleeping and finding it hard to switch off from work because I didn’t have any ‘down time’ on the commute home. It was also a very overwhelming situation with Covid which meant my anxiety was heightened. I started listening to House of Wellbeing’s meditation sessions in the evening before bed and really felt the benefits. It took me a few listens to fully embrace it, but I would now highly recommend it to help free your mind of worry and stress."


"I wanted to let you know that I am no longer feeling the negative feelings I did and I am no longer beating myself up for it at all and I know I’m making progress at my own pace – which is the most important. The experience has opened up my eyes on many levels and I am very grateful I got to be a part of it – thank you!"


Media agency

"Your audio and knowing that life goes on and that there are all sorts of support out there is really helping – from professional, legal and just simply sharing the journey with friends. I feel more relaxed, in control and less stressed which is amazing. "

Vanessa Hayes

Omnicom Media Group

"I just listened to it for the first time - it’s great! I can’t believe it took me so long to take the time to listen to it. For now, I feel very relaxed which for me was much needed. My mind feels more focused and I feel more productive instead of feeling overwhelmed which is fantastic. "

Carla Holding

Omnicom Programmatic

"The MindTALK audios has helped me eliminate an old belief I have had for years and years. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I'm ready to take on new challenges and really progress in my career. I can't thank you enough. "

Gemma Butler


"Since listen to the audio, I have found myself being more creative which is making me doubly happy. I've stopped procrastinating and finally have the confidence to achieve the goals I've set myself but was unable to achieve. "


Creative agency

"What an amazing platform! I have listened to quite a few audios, from presenting to better sleep and not only has my sleep improved, but I have had recognition at work for my new found presentation skills. Which if you knew how nervous I was before, you'd appreciate how amazing this is. I can't wait to listen to more audios on the site. "


Media agency

"My husband is a terrible sleeper - he wakes up every night and cannot get back to sleep, and most nights he ends up on the couch. We have been listening to MindTalks for only 3 nights, and each night he has had the best sleep he's ever had, not waking up at all throughout the night. I am so happy that we have found something that works! I would highly recommend the insomnia MindTalk for anyone wanting a better nights sleep. "

Cat Smith


"After developing a sudden and irrational fear of flying, I needed a quick solution to help me before attending a meeting in Barcelona. Listening to the recording three times helped me conquer my fear and remove what was becoming quite a hurdle for me to do my day job."

David Linnet



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