Overcoming Bullying (Youths Age 11-18)




Bullying should not be tolerated in any shape or form, but it can feel hard to know how to manage and cope in this situation.

The effects of bullying can be crippling for youths and may result in a mix of negative emotions such as:

  • Feeling afraid, stressed, depressed or anxious
  • Suicidal thoughts or self harming
  • Trouble with school work or homework
  • Issues with mood, energy level, sleep, and appetite

House of Wellbeing has carefully created this hypnotherapy audio to give you the courage to speak up for yourself, build up your self-esteem and take back control.  Not allowing the bully to take over your life, but reframing the situation so you feel empowered and not victimised – recognising that the bully is the real victim.

Make sure you’re in a safe place where you won’t be interrupted and simply listen to this audio as many times as you need to. It’s time to make a change once and for all.


The content in this audio is provided for information only and is not intended to replace a consultation with your GP, other health care professionals or be considered as medical advice. If you have any doubts or concerns about your health, please seek advice from a medical doctor. Do not listen to this audio when you are driving, operating machinery or having a bath – we use deep relaxation techniques which require your full attention and will get you into a near sleep type state. By purchasing this hypnotherapy audio from our website, you acknowledge and agree that it is for personal use only. You do not have the right to distribute, resell, or use this audio for commercial purposes. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or commercial use of this audio is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action to protect our copyright.


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