Positive Thinking Affirmations



Boost your positivity by listening to this short but impactful Positive Affirmations Audio. The more you listen to these affirmations, the more they will embed in your subconscious mind and the more powerful they will become.

Hypnotherapy For Positive Thinking

This positive affirmations audio has been created to help people who feel like they may be stuck in a rut of negative thinking. Once you’re in the habit of negative thinking, it’s easy to dwell on worst case scenarios and eventually those negative thoughts start to affect your overall wellbeing. So to truly adopt a more positive mindset you need to change your perspective by changing the deep rooted thought patterns in your subconscious mind.

This positive affirmations audio session is designed to break the cycle of negative thinking and to stop allowing those persistent negative thought patterns to affect your overall happiness.

We suggest that you listen to these affirmations at least four times to help the messaging sink in to your subconscious mind, override the old beliefs and help your mind to create new neural pathways to think and feel much more positively

The Positive Affirmations audio is just a few minutes long so you can easily fit them in to your day and around your schedule. Find a quiet place where you can relax and listen to the affirmations and you’ll see over time that your thinking will slowly begin to change and your positivity will soar!


The content in this audio is provided for information only and is not intended to replace a consultation with your GP, other health care professionals or be considered as medical advice. If you have any doubts or concerns about your health, please seek advice from a medical doctor. Do not listen to this audio when you are driving, operating machinery or having a bath – we use deep relaxation techniques which require your full attention and will get you into a near sleep type state. By purchasing this hypnotherapy audio from our website, you acknowledge and agree that it is for personal use only. You do not have the right to distribute, resell, or use this audio for commercial purposes. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or commercial use of this audio is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action to protect our copyright.


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