How hypnotherapy can help you get over a fear of flying
What is a fear of flying?
A fear of flying, also known as aerophobia, is a common phobia in the UK. In a recent survey, more than 50% of UK adults said they were uncomfortable flying by airplanes. This fear was perhaps exacerbated by the pandemic, with 72% of Brits claiming they have no travel plans by air in the near future.
Fearful flyers will often go out of their way to avoid travelling by air, opting for train and bus services. Even if it considerably lengthens their journey. More will choose to miss personal events to avoid stepping foot on an aircraft. The degree of fear ranges from person to person. However, a formal diagnosis and treatment will be necessary in the most severe cases.
However, there is positive research that shows hypnosis for fear of flying can effectively treat aerophobia.
Research on hypnosis for fear of flying
A 2021 psychology paper on the topic highlighted that a fear of flying often results from a combination of related fears. Such as:
- A fear of enclosed spaces
- A fear of heights
- Fear of crowds
Among other concerns.
In answer, they suggest that hypnotherapy is a way to relieve these anxieties and confront the unconscious phobia. Hypnosis is a way to persuade the unconscious mind from acting out negative thought patterns and behaviours which induce fear. Listening to a hypnotherapy session for fear of flying has been known to be an excellent way to manage any fears based on flying. Hypnotherapy audio sessions will teach you powerful breathing techniques and calming exercises as well as retrain your thought patterns so you no longer have such a strong reaction to any fear or anxiety around flying such as elevated breathing, a rapid heart rate or panic-induced attacks. Neutralising these responses takes away the physiological reaction that we call fear.
As part of our ongoing mission to promote well-being, House of Wellbeing has crafted scientifically backed and research-driven hypnosis audios to help manage the effects of aerophobia. Our audios bring the best hypnosis practices, from neurolinguistics programming to cognitive behaviour therapies. To reduce flying anxiety, they can be listened to at your convenience, whether before take-off or in-flight. All our audios are backed by professional hypnotherapists to ensure your safety and guide you through the healing process.
Control your fear
Get the app today to sample our hypnosis for fear of flying audio, designed explicitly for fear of flying: Fear of flying hypnosis. You can find us in the Apple and Google Play app stores.
Tags: Hypnosis for fear of flying