Hypnosis for Anger Management
Anger is a natural emotion. We all have it from time to time, and it can be a helpful emotion to have in some circumstances. However, if anger starts to cause problems for yourself or others, it could be time to consider addressing it.
Hypnosis can be a practical and valuable way to address your anger; some studies suggest that hypnosis has a 93% success rate, with fewer sessions needed to achieve this than other psychological therapy does.
Hypnosis can help us change our subconscious thought patterns (and therefore behaviour )and our relationship with anger. In addition, it can help us to identify the root cause of the issue and enable us to cultivate healthier responses. In other words, it can help re-train your unconscious mind to react to situations more healthily.
Let’s break down what hypnosis does a bit more and look into what is involved.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
When listening to the ager management hypnotherapy audio session, you will be gently guided in to a state of deep relaxation. This can feel like an intense state of concentration or focused attention, and to many can feel like you enter something like a trance-like sleep.
You will be guided into this relaxed state through meditation, verbal cues and repetitions. When you enter this state, you will still be fully aware of what’s going on. Once you’re in this deep level of relaxation you will then be offered suggestions to help you control your anger.
We work with your conscious and unconscious mind to help you change negative thought processes and behaviours to bring you closer to achieving your therapy goals. Your heightened state of focus enhances your ability to be more open to these change suggestions.
The number of times you listen to the audio will depend on your circumstances. In the anger management hypnotherapy audio, you will be given relaxation techniques as well as tools and techniques to control and manage any feelings of anger. The audio is there for you to listen to whenever you need it in the comfort of your own home at a time that is suitable to you.
At the end of the audio you will be guided out of the trance like state and you will then be ready to start making those powerful long lasting changes.
What Are Some of the Benefits?
- Can help you understand the cause of your anger
- It can help you identify your trigger and warning signs
- It can give you techniques to stay calm and change destructive behaviour
- Can enable you to practice constructive ways to express anger
- It can help relieve any physical issues from your irritation, such as headaches, tight muscles, shaking, or dizziness.
Is It for Me?
Hypnosis for anger management has many benefits and could be the correct therapy route for you if you think you need help managing your emotions. It can help you achieve calmer, less reactive behaviour and help you to control your emotions, rather than allowing your feelings to control you.
If you want to know more about what we can offer you, visit us here. We’d love to hear from you.
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